Budget Finder

Irving Gomez | | Personal
Cover image for Budget Finder

Budget Finder is an app I built from the ground up, drawing on my full-stack development expertise to solve the real-world challenge of managing shared expenses and household budgets. I wanted to create a tool that was intuitive for everyday users while offering robust features for landlords managing multiple properties.

On the back-end, I used Laravel to develop a powerful API that handles everything from user authentication to tracking payments and shared expenses. Laravel’s Eloquent ORM made it easy to structure complex relationships, such as linking users to households and allowing landlords to manage multiple properties.

For the front-end, I chose Vue.js and Quasar to create a responsive and mobile-friendly interface. These technologies allowed me to build a seamless user experience, whether users are on their phones or desktops. With features like inviting roommates, tracking expenses, setting reminders, and making payments, Budget Finder is easy to use but also packed with advanced functionality.

I integrated Stripe for secure, reliable payment processing and used Google Analytics to track user interactions and fine-tune the app’s performance. This project reflects my ability to work across the full stack—designing, building, and deploying both the front-end and back-end while keeping a focus on security, usability, and scalability.